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EF Pre-Master's Program

Gain language fluency & prepare for a masters program with guaranteed placement at a university abroad.

Tanfolyam struktúra

30/32 Lessons / week (40 minutes each lesson)

16 General Language Lessons

04 Project Sessions

10 Special Interest Classes (SPINs)

02 Lecture Sessions

  • Level

    Applicants must have graduated with a degree or equivalent related to their Masters.

  • Start date

    September / January / April / June

  • Length

  • 2 terms = 1 academic semester (approx. 6 months)

  • 3 terms = 1 academic year (approx. 9 months)

  • 4 terms = 2 academic semesters (approx. 11 months)

  • Program overview

    EF’s Pre-Master’s program prepares students for entrance to a Master’s degree at an international university. These 2-, 3- or 4-term intensive programs (approx. 6, 9 or 11 months) provide you with all the linguistic and academic skills necessary for postgraduate study.

    Progress to your choice of university

    We can provide successful program graduates with guaranteed acceptance to one of our partner universities offering Master’s programs. Not only do we guarantee placement at an EF partner university, but we can also assist you with your application to virtually any Master’s program in your country of study. Our Pre-Master’s alumni have been accepted to the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, just to name a few.

    Enhance your qualifications

    EF’s Pre-Master’s program prepares students to enter a Master’s degree program at an international university. These 2-, 3- or 4-term intensive programs provide you with all the linguistic and academic skills necessary for a master's degree program.

    A tailored program

    EF's Pre-Master’s programs are tailored for students bound for graduate tuition and offer the flexibility of studying for either 2, 3, or 4 terms. In the UK, you'll take Electives in an academic area of your choice to help prepare you for your postgraduate degree and build your overall confidence. In your third term in the USA, you'll also complete the Capstone Project. Across our program destinations in the UK, USA, Australia, Germany, and France, we will ensure that you reach the required academic and language standards in order to succeed.

    English and exam training

    One of the goals of EF’s Pre-Master’s programs is to help you perfect your specialized academic skills. All university postgraduate programs require an official language proficiency score for international student admissions. Therefore, our programs include highly structured exam training for IELTS, TOEFL, and GRE/ GMAT exams, as well as a wide range of elective classes in multiple academic areas. You’ll receive the best possible preparation for your future studies and gain the confidence and knowledge to succeed in a competitive academic environment. Some of our Australian and US partner universities even allow entry without TOEFL or IELTS scores after successful completion of EF's Pre-Master’s.

    English requirement:
    • 2-term program: IELTS 5.5 (no component less that 5.0), TOEFL 550 PBT/ 213 CBT/ 81 IBT, EFSET 57 / UPiBT 55. For the UK, a SELT (Secure English Language Test) is required in order to obtain a visa.

    • 3-term program: IELTS 5.5, TOEFL 525 PBT/ 194 CBT/ 71 IBT, EFSET 54 / UPiBT 50.

    • 4-term program: IELTS 5.0, TOEFL 410 PBT/ 180 CBT/ 62 IBT, EFSET 51 / UPiBT 45.

    German requirement:
    • 2 terms program: B1 or higher

    • 3 terms program: A2 or higher

    • 4 terms program: A1 or higher

    French requirement:
    • 2 terms program: B1 or higher

    • 3 terms program: A2 or higher

    • 4 terms program: A1 or higher

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